Ysoft safeq 4 admin guide
















SAFEQ 3.5 INSTANT EDITION ADMINISTRATORS GUIDE 1 2 SAFEQ 3.5 INSTANT EDITION ADMINISTRATORS GUIDE Copyright 2010 Y Soft Ltd. All rights reserved. This program can be downloaded in 7-zip.org. ysoft.com Y Soft Y Soft Americas Podnikatelska 4 Download Administrator's manual of Ysoft SafeQ Ethernet Reader Card Reader for Free or View it Online on All-Guides.com. Ysoft SafeQ Private Cloud is an essential IT management tool for organizations with multiple branches and offi ces. Setting up and managing servers at multiple The YSoft SafeQ administrator dashboard enables IT staff to monitor the entire system. The dashboard provides information such as system For administrators, YSoft SafeQ provides pre-defined templates so creating workflows for users or groups is easy. For users, YSoft SafeQ's one simple menu makes scan choices easy, eliminating confusion and ensuring documents are captured correctly and distributed to authorized destinations. • YSoft SafeQ Enterprise Suite datasheet • YSoft SafeQ Print Management datasheet. Ysoft safeq demonstration guide | 11. Managed workflows: workflow creation by admins - demonstration. 1 In the administrators interface, navigate to Scan workflows > Workflows The most common way to integrate the YSoft SafeQ solution with the customer?s user database is an integration with the local directory service. YSoft®, YSoft SafeQ® and its logo are registered trademarks of YSoft Corporation. All other brands and their products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders, and should be noted as such. Ysq terminal professional V3.5 - administrator's guide V1.3 [en].

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